Cultura británica

La cultura británica es en sí misma muy singular. Una de las cosas más importantes que debe saber antes de ir a cualquier país es cuáles son sus comportamientos culturales.

Eso sí, crees que lo tienes todo cubierto, viste todas las series de los intermedios, probaste los tés de yorkshire y oliste una barrita de marte rebozada con disgusto. Sin embargo, puede tener este conocimiento esencial, pero la experiencia completa aún tiene mucho por descubrir. No importa dónde se encuentre en el Reino Unido, habrá algo nuevo que no esperaba.

Algunas cosas que debe saber sobre el público británico:

  • Somos puntuales. Llegar tarde es francamente grosero con nosotros. Si va a llegar tarde a algo, al menos háganoslo saber con anticipación.
  • Nunca te saltes las colas. Es esencial ser paciente y saber muy bien cómo hacer cola en Gran Bretaña. Es como hablar por teléfono mientras viajas en un tren en Japón con niveles de mala educación.
  • El espacio personal es como el oxígeno. Mantén la distancia, no seas salvaje ni nada, simplemente no nos gusta que la gente se acerque a nosotros a menos que sea necesario. Si te acercas eres un bicho raro, fin de.
  • Tenemos una gran cantidad de respeto por los adultos mayores y los discapacitados. Si está en el transporte público, se espera que ceda su asiento si alguien discapacitado o mayor se sube a dicho medio de transporte. Lo mismo si una persona mayor, así como si ves a alguien luchando con algo, también se espera que preguntes '¿Estás bien, cariño?'.
  • No estamos muy animados cuando hablamos. Valoramos nuestra privacidad por encima de todo, así que ojo con lo que nos preguntas porque podrías ser una franela entrometida. ¡No nos gusta eso!
  • Los británicos suelen evitar el contacto visual prolongado. Lo encuentran incómodo e intimidante.
  • Si lo invitan a la casa de un británico, es normal que traiga un regalo, como un vino que nunca se beberá, y así se lo entregará a la casa de la próxima persona que visite el británico.
  • Compra una ronda.
  • Prepárate para discutir con la gente sobre quién paga las cosas. ¿Saliste a cenar? Pida pagar pero no discuta demasiado. Por ejemplo, haz un punto que 'quieres' pagar, pero no seas insistente al respecto. ¿Tener sentido?

Estas diferencias culturales serán una parte habitual de la adaptación a la vida en el Reino Unido, por lo que es importante conocerlas incluso antes de llegar. Lo último que quieres hacer es ofender a la persona equivocada en el pub o en el metro.

Si no tienes estas cosas claras rápidamente, definitivamente sabremos que eres de fuera de la ciudad. ¡Este conocimiento lo ayudará a adaptarse mejor a las normas británicas antes de comenzar a disfrutar de su vida y volverse como nosotros! Que pensamiento tan aterrador….

Artículo anterior Cómo hacer el sundae de helado británico perfecto


Laura G Sweeney - junio 12, 2019

I’m an American who descended from British and Irish people. I would say that we have similar expectations in the United States. The main difference is that we get straight to the point when it comes to gathering information. I am amazed to read about the cultural similarities between Brits and Americans of British descent.

Shirley Bruce - junio 12, 2019

Hello, I have a friend, Patricia, who moved here to Calgary, Canada with her family in 1981, I met her shortly after. We became fast friends. She didn’t know much about Canada, they came for her husband to get a job, he had dual citizenship. So I took her shopping, taught her about the money etc. We’d laugh all the tome, because of some of the slang words we both had, Well one day I lent her my car, she had to go home and her husband was out of town. Long story short, she ran out of gas, stopped on the road, not used to driving on the right side, didn’t know where anything was in the car, big older model. A policeman stopped and asked her what was wring, She said the car just stopped, I don’t know why. He said put your lights on, but she didn’t know where they were, finally found them. He said open the hood, she didn’t know what that was, (Bonnet) He said I will push you to the gas station, I think you are out of gas. She was terrified, Anyway, he did push her to the pump. But she had no money for gas. She prayed there was enough on the Visa card to get a little gas, But she didn’t know where to put it. No one could figure it out, and she was panicking. Finally someone came along and said look under the license plate. Sure enough, she pumped in some gas, went to pay and thank god there was enough to pay. When she got back, she just looked at me and said “I am going to kill you” Well, when she told the story, in her English Accent, we just died laughing. I didn’t know the gas guage quit working. Her husband ended up owning his own business, and left my friend and his kids, and took off with his secretary. She stayed in Canada, and we have stayed close for 38 years now. Last September she took me to England and we stayed with her sister, who lives in Ampthill, near Luton, for 2 weeks. I had the time of my life. I love History, and the old buildings, etc, They took me everywhere, Flying around those roundabouts, on the left side of the road, scared me. We went to the Isle of Wight, and stayed at her cousin’s Bed and Breakfast, spent a day in London, and toured Buckingham Palace, the Highlight of my life. I loved England, I hope I get the chance to go back. I want to see more. We attended a very old church, and I loved the grocery stores, and Marks and Spencers and the tube train. And of course the Fish and Chips, and Cream cakes. Tea and Scones. I recognize alot of British products from the grocery stores, and what she buys. I always thought it was strange that the eggs in the stores weren’t refrigerated! Would love more English chocolate! My friend is like family to me.!! Everyone in England that I met, asked me what my accent was, I laughed, and said’I don’t have an accent, but they said “oh yes, you do!” Made me laugh!!

David John Phillips - junio 12, 2019

Excellent advice, but might I add that we are also, often, sticklers for correctness. Something is either unique, or it is not, it cannot be “very” unique. Also, Yorkshire and Mars have capital letters. Otherwise, keep up the good work!

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